The One Gentleman edt 100ml
Dolce Gabbana the One Gentleman represents perfectly the philosophy of this unique signature. Elegant and sophisticated, this perfume has the body and the depth needed to turn the man into authentic D & G Heartthrob.
To get a fragrance that quickly capture attention had to bet on a spicy touch. For this reason, pepper stands out in their notes. In addition, the presence of grapefruit provides two completely different and compatible aromas. Their heart notes do not cease to amaze. Lavender, cardamom and fennel oil, is the bet made for a perfume for man with floral nuances. Their background notes provide some sweetness for a flawless combination. The vanilla and patchouli bring the touch needed to complete a simply unique men's fragrance.
Men should buy Dolce Gabbana The One Gentleman? For those looking for a perfume sophisticated for any time of the year. Elegance for D & G does not understand of prices or of situations, something innate that is reflected in every moment.