Agua Lavanda edc 200ml
Antonio Puig de Agua Lavanda is a perfume that is surprising since a first moment, fougère aroma stands out for its candor and freshness, away from the classic fragrances that are committed to a strong and traditional essences.
Their notes combine perfectly a citric moderated as the bermagota with the softness of the natural touch of Rosemary and lavender. A touch spicy in the heart notes can not miss. Nutmeg brings that spark and vitality required, while the geranium insists floral aromas. Beads of tonka bean, cedar wood and musk are the ingredients selected to close this perfume with notes of background of great intensity.
Antonio Puig de Agua Lavanda is a recommendation for collectors. A fragrance that is worth buying at any price, thanks to its deep, strong and timeless scent.